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2010 MMHMF Scholarship Recipient
North Carolina A & T
Click here for RJ's 2010 Award listing.

Speaker, The 26th Annual Awards Program and Anniversary Celebration, September 28, 2024

Randolph Brown (RJ)

Heartfelt thanks to RJ for traveling from his home in North Carolina to participate in the program. His very inspirational speech had a message for young students about "thinking outside the box," persevering and staying true to yourself. There was a lesson in his message for all!

Randolph Brown, better known as RJ, grew up in Chesterfield County, VA. He is a product of the Chesterfield County school system, and a graduate of LC Bird High School. Upon graduating from Bird, RJ attended, and graduated with honors, from North Carolina A&T State University, where he majored in accounting and was a member of several honor societies. While attending A&T, he served as president of the university's chapter of the National Association for Black Accountants (NABA) and was also a member of the university's chapter of Beta Alpha Psi, an international honor society for accounting, finance, and information systems students. Upon graduating from A&T, RJ went on to further his education by attending Michigan State University, where he earned his master's degree in accounting, with an emphasis in taxation.

RJ began his career in public accounting, as a tax accountant at EY, one of the 4 largest accounting firms in the world. Since then, he has transitioned into the financial advising field. He currently works as a financial advisor at Bank of America, where he helps provide both financial expertise and tax planning strategies to Bank of America's most senior level executives, consisting of about 100 clients.

RJ resides in Charlotte, NC with his wife, Lena, and their family dog, Charlie, who has become the star of the family. He is both a Certified Financial PlannerTM professional and a Certified Public Accountant. He is a member of the North Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and is still a member of NABA. In his free time, he enjoys working out, watching sports, movies, plays, and travelling. RJ is the son of Mr. & Mrs. Randolph Brown, Sr. of Chesterfield, VA.

The foundation is extremely proud of RJ, and we thank him for being a part of the awards program and for his words of wisdom not only for the 2024 MMHMF scholarship recipients. There was something in his message for everyone. But for our "rising stars" the advice to be true to yourself, not to be afraid of thinking and acting 'outside the box" and being persistent is sound and proven throughout history.


2021 MMHMF Scholarship Recipient
Christopher Newport University
Social Work
Click here for Krystal's 2021 Award listing.

Krystal PeermanCrystal continues to work hard and excel. She graduated from Christopher Newport University in Newport News, VA on May 11th, 2024, a year ahead of schedule! She earned a BA degree in social work. Currently she is a graduate school student at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) working on a master’s degree in social work, with a concentration in Administration, Policy, and Practice. She has an internship and works as a supervised visitation coach for a foster care agency. Best wishes to Krystal for continuing success!




2023 MMHMF Scholarship Recipient
Hampton University
Click here for Mia's 2023 Award listing.

Mia NealI just wanted to send a quick email saying thank you for the scholarship and I just received my box of sweets! I just ran out of chips in the dorm so it came at the perfect time. College is going well, housing is stressful but I’m making my way through it.

In April: I hope all is well with you all and I’m sorry it’s taken a while to send this email but it’s been a little stressful. I finished the first semester with a 3.8 GPA. I’ve been adjusting to college life pretty well and I’m happy with my choice of school.

In September: First, I would like to thank the Martha Mason Hill Memorial Foundation for choosing me to receive this scholarship and the care package I received my freshman year. During my first year I was able to meet a lot of new people and participate in several organizations. I joined the NAACP chapter at Hampton University, joined Black Girls in Law, as well as participated in the community service team for the campus ministry. Also, towards the end of the year I participated in the Freshman Fashion Show which really put me outside my comfort zone and allowed me to express myself in a different way. Last April I applied to be a part of the Greer Dawson Wilson Student Leadership training program and I was accepted which has me very excited for my sophomore year. Coming up soon I have my inauguration into the 79th Transformative Administration on campus where I will be serving as a senator hoping to make change on the Hampton University campus. Being able to be a part of my organizations and maintaining a 3.7 GPA has been hard but I continue to push through. Lastly, I would like to state again thank you for the check up and aiding me in the opportunity to attend a university.


2022 MMHMF Scholarship Recipient
University of Virginia
Computer Science
Click here for Jayden's 2022 Award listing.

Jayden Pierre"My first year at U Va (University of Virginia) was a great one. I made a lot of friends and gained many new experiences. One of my favorite moments was attending an Alpha probate and seeing one of my hallmates being revealed. I also enjoyed going to play basketball or uno with my roommate. Most importantly I had a successful academic year passing my classes with As & high Bs, and I hope to continue that in the next semester. This summer I’ve been cutting grass and doing outdoor work for my business, JAPOS. I’ve also been working on my Java skills for the upcoming semester. Then spending time with my little brother as much as I can before it’s time to go back to school. Lastly, some of my future plans involve getting tech certifications and doing an internship to get myself in the right direction for post-graduation.” 


2022 MMHMF Scholarship Recipient
Norfolk State Universty
Click here for Noah's 2022 Award listing.

Noah Satterwhite“I would like to take the time to thank you as well as i everyone else at the MMHMF for the birthday gift. I also wanted to let you know that I have received it. Thank you so much! I would like to thank you for your contribution to my academic success. It was an honor to be selected for such a scholarship. This past year at Norfolk State went very well as I was able to enjoy my college experience and obtain a GPA of about 3.6. Coming into the semester I didn’t feel too nervous as I had a similar experience with the STARS Summer Bridge Program earlier in the summer. I was lucky enough to have met my roommate and many friends in this program as well getting acclimated to the campus. It was different to not have my parents with me close by like they always had been before, but not necessarily difficult, as they raised me with morals, integrity, and allowed me the freedom I needed to be able to think on my own. It is my hope that with the help of your scholarship, I will be able to increase my average as well as become more involved in campus life as I would like to participate in other clubs/organizations other than DNIMAS. Your scholarship allowed me to focus on my academics without having the burden of financial worries. The fall semester will be challenging as I am taking physics, organic chemistry, and calculus, but I know with hard work and perseverance, I will succeed!”



2022 MMHMF Scholarship Recipient
Virginia State University Endowed Scholarship Recipient
Click here for Ayanna's 2022 Award listing.

Ayanna Otey“Greetings! Throughout my freshman 2022-2023 academic year I have had some struggles and a lot of tricks and turns. In the beginning I was trying to fit in and find what best fits for me but there was so many distractions in my path of success. I am not going to lie I did have a lot of fun but the fun got to my head to the point where I was not focused on any school work so my grades started to slip by the end of my freshman semesters I finished out with a 1.4 but I was offered a second chance during the summer. So during my summer I took 5 classes and set goals for each and every one of them. My summer my goals were to finish with 3 A’s and 2 Bs that would put my GPA up to 3.2. I was also under another scholarship that required me to have a 2.5, and so I fought for it during the summer. At the end of the summer, I finished with 2 As 2 Bs and 1 C that raised my GPA from 1.4 to now a 3.0. I have also been introduced and honored by organizations on campus and have attended other schools as a representative of VCAN (Virginia College Affordability Network) to share my story. At the end of the day, I now know what I need to focus on and what goals I need to set to make my sophomore year even better. I did a lot of praying and tried to stay in a positive environment. Keeping God in my corner at all times is what got me through my summer. I give my biggest thanks to the man above. I would also like to thank the Martha Mason Hill Memorial Foundation for the support and effort you put in for me including the time that has been wasted. Throughout the rest of my years, I, Ayanna Otey, will promise to make the best of everything.” 



BS Degree with Honors, VA Tech, May 2023

2019 MMHMF Scholarship Recipient
Virginia Tech
Animal Science

Laila Ampy-ThomasThank you so much! I know you all don't have to do what you do for me or anyone, so I as well as my family are always extremely grateful. Thank you for your compliments; you are too kind. I will be sure to tell my mother and father. Thank you very much. I will be looking forward to seeing the newsletter. I always love getting emails and checking the new recipients. Have a blessed weekend.


On Fri, May 26, 2023, Laila wrote:I had an article done on me by Virginia Tech for being an outstanding senior. I am working this summer in my field; I am currently a 4-H liaison with the hopes of a position here or elsewhere becoming permanent. I would then like to start my masters in the fall of 2024.  I am always so grateful for all the items and snacks you have sent over the years; they are always right on time when I need some encouragement. Thank you so much for all of your kindness.

Below is the article appearing in the Virginia Tech NEWS newspaper, by Marya Barlow, 27 April 2023

Class of 2023: Laila Ampy-Thomas finds a future in 4-H

An internship with Virginia Cooperative Extension introduced Ampy-Thomas to a career path that combined her passions for working with animals and kids.

Laila Ampy-ThomasWhen Laila Ampy-Thomas applied for an internship with Virginia Cooperative Extension, she imagined she would work with livestock. Instead, she was introduced to Henrico County 4-H youth development and a career opportunity that blended her passions for working with children and animals.

"As soon as I finished my first lesson with elementary school kids about dairy and saw their excitement about making ice cream, I realized this was something I could see myself doing forever," she said.

The internship experience inspired Ampy-Thomas to make it the focus of her senior capstone project and to pursue a career in 4-H. After graduating in May with a bachelor's degree in animal and poultry sciences, she has a job lined up to lead 4-H camps for the City of Richmond. In the future, she hopes to earn her master's degree and find a position as a Virginia Cooperative Extension agent.

"I was unaware of 4-H in my school growing up, and it would have been such a great fit for me," she said. "I want to ensure that more people living in urban and underdeveloped areas are aware of the amazing opportunities that exist in 4-H.

Ampy-Thomas traces her love for animals back to kindergarten in Chesterfield, where she helped the teacher care for several ducks, snakes, and mice that were classroom pets. In high school at Chesterfield Career and Technical Center, she fell in love with veterinary science courses and decided to pursue her passion in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

"I knew Virginia Tech had the best animal science program and the best hands-on experience and professors," she said. "My classes showed me so many paths for doing what I loved, from being a veterinarian to managing a barn or animal shelter to being a professor or Extension agent."

While at Virginia Tech, Ampy-Thomas was active in Minorities in Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANRRS), Multicultural Academic Opportunities Program and was president of Sheep and Goat Club. She also volunteered at the swine barn, caring for sows, and with Hokie High Five, welcoming and mentoring first-year students.

After landing her paid internship with Virginia Cooperative Extension in the summer of 2022, Ampy-Thomas worked alongside 4-H Extension agents, leading activities for kids in local schools. With the encouragement of her supervisors, she developed and led a week-long day camp for kids ages 8 to 13. Ampy-Thomas called the camp Making Tracks and filled it with fun activities and lessons on the care of reptiles, companion animals, and livestock.

As she stood in front of a room full of campers on her own for the first time, Ampy-Thomas was grateful she had seven years of experience as a youth cheerleading coach to guide her.

"I've been coaching cheerleading since I was in ninth grade and I love it," she said. "My experience in cheer really helps me with 4-H. I've already worked a lot with this age group, so I understand how to communicate with and entertain them." To help teach campers about companion animals, Ampy-Thomas brought in her bearded dragon, Hiccup, and her dog, Blue, and made dog treats and washcloth puppies with the children. "There are several more bearded dragon owners now because of me," she joked. The week culminated in a visit to Hidden Triple Oak Farm, where the kids got to see and learn about horses, chickens, pigs, and cows up close.

Ampy-Thomas also helped run Henrico County's Junior 4-H Camp, a week-long sleepaway camp held at Jamestown 4-H Educational Center. When tasked with planning and leading a class for the students, Ampy-Thomas said there was no question it would be about cheerleading. She taught the kids jumps, tumbling, stunts, and a full cheer routine, and made them all cheer bows for their hair.

"Many of them told me it was the highlight of their day," she said. "One camper made me cry by saying that Miss Laila always made him feel comfortable and heard. Seeing that what I was doing had an impact on each child really cemented that this is something I want to do for life."

Associate Extension Agent Carter Humphries '14, M.S. '16, who helped supervise Ampy-Thomas during the internship, said many kids are asking if "Miss Laila" will be returning to camp this summer.

"The future of 4-H is bright with Laila in it," Humphries said. "The youth absolutely loved her. She was extremely creative and showed great leadership skills among the youth she worked with but also among our Henrico staff, high school interns, and teen counselors. We felt like a colleague was leaving us at the end of her internship. I look forward to having her join us as a fellow 4-H agent one day."



• BS in Business Administration - Management Information Systems
• ECU Inaugural Copeland Diversity & Inclusion Fellow and MBA Student


Jonathan E. Coleman IIJonathan is a graduate of Matoaca High School where he was a "stand out" student and person. He continues to excel! Currently he is pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from the ECU Arthur School and is employed as a teller at Towne Bank, Greenville, NC.

Jonathan graduated from ECU in three and a half years. This is noteworthy because in addition to carrying a full load and achieving an overall 3.5 GPA, Jonathan: 1). has been employed since his freshman year; 2). was a Division I football player (four-time All-Academic Team and Vice President of the Student Athlete Advisory Committee 2019-23); 3). was a top 10 finalist for Captain of the Ship-Homecoming (2022); 4). served on the Chancellor's Student Advisory Board (2021); 5). was an ECU Representative for UNC System Strategic Planning Committee (2021-23); 6). joined the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc at ECU (manages chapter budget and funds, organizes and facilitates chapter meetings, Spring 2022 – Present); 7). And is a member of the Inaugural Copeland Diversity & Inclusion Fellow Class (2021-Present). Jonathan earned the following scholarships during his undergraduate years: Danny R. Scott Scholarship; Stan and Laurie Eakins Scholarship; Comcast Future Business Leaders scholarship.

Jonathan E. Coleman IIJonathan is God-fearing. He believes strongly in his faith, his family and his friendships. He is an active member of First Baptist Church of South Richmond and away from home is an active member of Koinonia Christian Center, Greenville, NC. On his LINKEDIN page Jonathan writes: "Creativity drives me each and every morning". The following sub-caption appears under his name: "Believer in Christ, Visionary, Entrepreneur, Environmentalist, Athlete and East Carolina University Immersive MBA Student."

As a Copeland Fellow, Jonathan developed a project called "Brother In Me." He has mentored several students in a middle school in Greenville since August 2023. MMHMF is extremely proud of Jonathan! We commend his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan (Traci) Coleman Sr. for a job well done in raising Jonathan, such an amazing young man. They also have three other terrific young people: Jessica, a graduate of Hampton University and works for ESPN in NYC; Jacob, a junior football player majoring in criminal justice at East Tennessee University; and Jada who is a freshman majoring in environmental science at Hampton. We are pleased to acknowledge and celebrate this wonderful family!

In his remarks during his awards program, Jonathan said to the three scholarship recipients "never give up!. Just keep trying!"

©2025 The Martha Mason Hill Memorial Foundation
2013 Clearwood Drive
Mitchellville, MD 20721-2511
100% of donations directly support MMHMF scholarships and programs.
Make your impact go 10% further! Please donate to the Martha Mason Hill Memorial Foundation through the Birdies for Charity program presented by Towne Bank!
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©2025 MMHMF