MMHMF Scholarship Recipient

2000 MMHMF Scholarship Recipient


Chara wrote:

“First and foremost I would like to thank you again for the scholarship you afforded me with for my first semester of college.  It was very beneficial and I would like to let you know that I am in fact using the scholarship money wisely. I am doing well at the University and I have enclosed a letter of my first semester activities and accomplishments.  Again thank you and may God continue to bless you.

“Setting foot on the University of Virginia campus in fall of 2000 opened doors and has proven itself to be an extremely enriching experience.   Awaiting the entrance of incoming first-years a plethora of programs and committees were available for me to join.  Though studying and outside schoolwork consumes a vast majority of my time, I found or shall I say “made” time to offer my expertise in several programs on campus.  Currently a dancer in the University’s Dance Company I am preparing myself for the fast approaching spring review auditions.

“In addition to dancing, I exercised my talents as a model in the Plush talent and fashion show in early December.  Being a model in this extravaganza was not my only affiliation with the program.  As a member of the Black Student Alliance Programming Committee I dedicated much of my time assisting with the organization of the talent/fashion show.  Beginning this semester I am currently a member of every organization I mentioned in addition to being a participant in the 24-hour dance marathon to raise money for the Sarah DuBose Fund and a member of the Black Student Alliance Service Committee.  In the service committee we will raise funds and indulge in service projects throughout Albermare County.  Even though academic endeavors are my first priority, extracurricular activities are enriching and beneficial to my collegiate experience.  Throughout the commotion of my busy extracurricular schedule and academics, I succeeded in obtaining a 3.21 GPA  to end off my first semester and was recognized for academic excellence at Haranbee II.  Taking a course load of fifteen credit hours first semester I was enrolled in Afro-American and African Studies 101, Calculus 131, Intro to Personality Psychology, Sociology and Beginning Aerobics.  Increasing my course load second semester to seventeen credit hours I am currently enrolled in Afro-American and African Studies 102, English Writing 110, Environmental Science 101 and 102, Concepts of Physics, and University Seminar on Goal Settings and Intermediate Tennis.

“My aspirations are still geared towards attending the University of Virginia’s law school to pursue a career in Corporate Law”.



Chara is doing very well at the University of Virginia.  She is in her 3rd year, majoring in Sociology with a concentration in pre-law and has a GPA of 3.53.  She was inducted into the National Society of Collegiate Scholars and does community service at the University with the Big Sibiling Progam and Circle K International.  She is working at the Bank of America this summer. 


2013 UPDATE 

Ten years have passed since Chara Moore, graduate of Matoaca High School, was awarded the Martha Mason Hill Memorial Foundation Scholarship.  With her high school diploma in hand, Chara made her transition from Matoaca High School to the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia where she played an active role in the university community and the Charlottesville community.  Among her many accomplishments while attending UVA, Chara was inducted into Omicron Delta Kappa, a national leadership honor society and The Raven Society, the oldest and most prestigious honorary society at the University of Virginia.

Prior to her graduation from UVA and in an effort to fulfill her childhood dream of being a lawyer, Chara applied to and was accepted to William & Mary School of Law in Williamsburg, Virginia.  She graduated from UVA in May of 2004 with a degree in sociology, and an eagerness to move to Williamsburg and begin her 1L year at William & Mary.  Chara remained active in her community during her three years at William & Mary, volunteering with a lawyer referral program, mentoring students and teaching group fitness classes.  Highlights from her 3L year included Chara serving as the Vice President of the W.C. Jefferson Chapter of the Black Lawyer Students Association and participating in a domestic violence clinic in which she was able to represent victims of domestic violence by assisting individuals obtain protection from their abusers.

In an effort to make her dream to practice in a law firm a reality, the summer after her 2L year she worked at Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein in Charlotte, North Carolina, as a summer associate, where she began her introduction into the corporate world and corporate law.  She graduated from law school in May, 2007, took and passed the North Carolina Bar Examination in July, 2007 and returned to Charlotte to begin her career as an associate at Parker Poe.  Chara is now a 3rd year associate in the Banking & Capital Markets practice group where her desire to learn and be the best attorney possible has never ceased.  Since moving to Charlotte, Chara has continued to stay active in her community and in her firm.  She currently serves on the Recruiting Committee and the Diversity Committee at Parker Poe, volunteers with the Lunch with a Lawyer Program, which is a mentoring program targeting rising eighth grade students interested in practicing law, and is a member of the Mecklenburg County Bar Communications Committee, which coordinates the distribution of information from the Mecklenburg County Bar Association to its members.  In addition to her civic involvement, Chara also finds time to play in a tennis league, on her firm’s softball team and on a local kickball team. 


Miss Chara Moore received her BA degree in Sociology in May from the University of Virginia and is currently enrolled in the Juris Doctorate Program at The College of William & Mary Marshall-Wythe School of Law in Williamsburg, Virginia. Chara not only excelled academically, but also participated in many University and community activities. Below is an impressive list of her accomplishments and involvements.
HONORS: UVA Intermediate Honors Awards; National Society of Collegiate Scholars; Omicron Delta Kappa (The National Leadership Honor Society); Raven Society of UVA; Longevity of Excellence Award; The Anetta Thompson Scholarship Award; Honored at Harambee II for excellent academic record for Fall 2000 semester; Walter N. Riley Scholarship; Perry-White Charitable Scholarship Recipient; INROADS Scholarship Award; Club 17 Scholarship; and Dejouir Club Scholarship Recipient.
LEADERSHIP POSITIONS AT UVA: President and Secretary, Black Expression Awareness and Thought Society; Subcommittee Chairman, Omicron Delta Kappa (National Honor Society); Executive Board Member and Social Chair, IVSA (INROADS Virginia Student Association); Organizer, Hoos Against Hunger and Homeless (Feed the Need Program).
VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES: Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity; Computers for Kids Program; Big Sibling Program through Madison House; Habitat for Humanity; Co-ed Volleyball League; Circle K International; Note Taker for the Learning Needs Educational Center; Black Student Alliance Programming Committee; University Dance Club; Participant in 24-hour dance marathon for the Sarah Dubose Fund; ran in the 5K run for life for breast cancer.
We commend Chara for her many achievements. We congratulate her for continuing to be an outstanding student, leader, citizen and role model. She truly exemplifies the ideals of MMHMF.
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Mitchellville, MD 20721-2511
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