MMHMF Scholarship Recipient
2021 MMHMF Scholarship Recipient
Christopher Newport University
Social Work
Congratulations KRYSTAL! She is a 2021 graduate of Matoaca High School, finishing with a 4.46 GPA. She is attending Christopher Newport University in Newport News, VA and is majoring in social work. Her high school activities included: Lady Pacers (Treasurer, 2017-2018); Spirit Mentor (2019-2020); AP Mentor (2020-2021); Upfront Show Choir (2018-2020); High Impact Show Choir (2020-2021); and National Honor Society (2019-2021). In the community and church, Krystal was a Girl Scout (2010-2021); YMCA Leaders Club (2018-2021); Young Adult Usher Board (2016-2021); and Junior Chorus (2008-2021).

One of Krystal’s hobbies is singing, which she has done since she was five years old as a member of her church’s youth choir. She has been an avid reader since sixth grade and really enjoys writing poetry because it allows her to “be anyone she wants to be.” She views writing poetry as an outlet to express herself, a way to depict how she feels about her experiences, what she reads, sees, hears, and imagines.