MMHMF Scholarship Recipient

2008 MMHMF Scholarship Recipient

MMHMF is proud to award this year’s scholarship to this very impressive young lady.  Loren graduated with honors this Spring from Lloyd C. Byrd High School, Pre-Engineering Specialty Center located in Chesterfield.   She is currently pursuing a course of study in bio-medical engineering at the University of Virginia.  

About Loren
In her essay Loren said: “I want to become a biomedical engineer because it combines engineering disciplines with the medical field.  This combination is perfect for me because I enjoy transforming a simple idea into a tangible device and learning about the human body.”  She described three experiences that contributed to her interest in the field.

The lectures of Dr. Gerald Miller, Chairman of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Virginia Commonwealth University, she heard were very interesting Loren said.  She found the classes she took in the discipline fascinating, never boring.

Another inspiring experience was seeing the entire human nervous system on display in the “Body Worlds 2: The Anatomical Exhibit of Real Human Bodies” exhibit at the Montreal Science Centre in Montreal, Canada.  Loren wrote: “This exhibit caused me to gain a whole new appreciation for life and discover that I had a passion for biomedical engineering.”

Lastly, in her senior year Loren had the opportunity to interview two soldiers who had sustained the types of injuries in the Iraq war that a biomedical engineer would address.

Loren’s list of school and community activities is extensive.  In school she: played the clarinet in the marching band was music officer; tutored math and Spanish; belonged to the National Honor Society, National Spanish Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society; Tri-M-National Music Honor Society, SCA (Student Council Association), Senior Advisory Council, Mentorship-Austin Brockenbrough & Associated Engineers, Junior Engineering (JETS) National Engineering Design Contest, and the J.V. Girl’s Basketball Team.  She was Lloyd C. Bird Student of the year, 2007-2008.

Her community involvements included: the Chesterfield County Youth Services Citizen Board, Youth Usher Board; Union Branch Baptist Church; World Changers Missions; and Chesterfield County Youth Forum.  She was a judge for S.A.F.E. Band Festival and a Wives of Beaux-Twenty junior and senior debutante.

Her hobby is playing the clarinet which she has done since sixth grade.  She played in the L.C. Bird marching and symphonic bands and the wind symphony.

She has a special interest in travel.  Having visited 33 states and three countries (Italy, Canada and Mexico), Loren enjoys visiting and learning about different places and cultures.

“Thank You!!!   Thanks!!!!
A Note From Loren Murphy

I would like to acknowledge and thank the Martha Mason-Hill Memorial Scholarship Foundation for awarding me a $1,000 scholarship for my academic, extracurricular and community accomplishments.  Special thanks to the Hill family for establishing the foundation in memory of Mrs. Martha Hill to help students like myself.  It will be very helpful towards my college tuition.  God Bless.

Loren Murphy 

LOREN MURPHY, 2008 Scholarship Recipient, Earns Her Bachelor’s Degree


Lauren graduated from the University of Virginia in May, 2012, earning a degree in Bio-Medical Engineering.  She is working for DuPont in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  We wish her all the best.
Jan Hatchette presenting the 2008 scholarship to Lauren Murphy 
during 10th Anniversary Celebration Program in 2008
A Letter From Loren Murphy, 2008 MMHMF Scholar.
August, 2009

Dear Martha Mason Hill Memorial Foundation,

I would like to thank you for your support during my freshman year at the University of Virginia. The scholarship that I received was very useful because it allowed me to purchase textbooks during the fall and spring semesters. I am also extremely grateful for the care package that I received during the stressful exam time. I could not have received that package at a more perfect time! 

Overall, I had a very good freshman year.  I ended the year with a 3.2 GPA. During the year, I was involved in a number of organizations. One organization was the University of Virginia’s Rodman Scholars Program. This program is a highly selective “living-learning” honors engineering program. The students who are selected into the program are from the top 5% of the first-year incoming engineering applicants and take an accelerated first year curriculum. 

Another organization that I was involved in was the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE). Through this organization I participated in numerous activities such as working the concession stands at UVA football, baseball, and basketball games and tutoring students at a local Charlottesville church in English, Math, and Science. Next year, I will hold a position on the organization’s executive board as Programs Chair. 

This summer I have been extremely busy. I took two summer classes and was also selected to participate in the University of Virginia’s Research Experience for Undergraduates. Through this program, I worked in the University of Virginia’s Center for Applied Biomechanics Lab. While in the lab, I worked on a team, who was sponsored by The Japan Automotive Research Institute (JARI), to study the response of humans during a side impact car crash. Through this research experience I was able to learn a lot about biomechanical engineering and the medical field. As a result, I have decided to change my major from mechanical engineering to pre-med biomedical engineering.

Overall, I have truly enjoyed my first year at the University of Virginia and am looking forward to returning to school in the fall. I am extremely grateful to the Foundation for your continued support and prayers. Please continue to pray for me as I return to school and I will continue to pray for you. 

Thank You,

Loren Murphy

©2025 The Martha Mason Hill Memorial Foundation
2013 Clearwood Drive
Mitchellville, MD 20721-2511
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