MMHMF Scholarship Recipient
2009 MMHMF Scholarship Recipient

Jasmine is an honors graduate of Matoaca High School, Petersburg, VA. She is a freshman at Cornell University and is majoring in information science. Her stellar record of achievements in school and the community is both varied and extensive.
Extracurricular activities: marching and concert bands; majorette squad; Step Team; Drama Club (treasurer and actress and dancer in Spring musicals); National Honor Society and International Language Honor Society; American Red Cross Club; Future Business Leaders of America; Academic Challenge Team
Honors and awards: Advanced Placement Scholar Award (World and US history and English Language); National Honor Roll Award for Academic Achievement; Outstanding participant in the National Achievement Scholarship Program; Outstanding Achievement in English, Outstanding Achievement Spanish, Outstanding Business and Technology Education Student; Student of the Month.
Community activities: Girl Scouts of America (Gold Award); People to People World Leadership Forum (traveled to Spain, Portugal, France); YMCA Model General Assembly Page; University of VA Summer Enrichment Program; Capital One Women’s leadership Conference; Junior Volunteer Award, Medical College of Va. Hospital; and an
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Debutante.
Jasmine enjoys creative writing, public speaking, playing the piano and flute, traveling, working with children, acting, and baton twirling. She is an active member of St, Paul’s Baptist Church, Richmond, VA.
2010: A Letter From
2009 MMHMF Scholarship Recipient
“Hugged by a bear”
Pictured is Jasmine and “Big Red”, the Cornell Mascot, during the 2009 Homecoming tailgate event and parade. Jasmine is a member of the Phenomenon Step Team that performed at the event.
Jasmine wrote:
My first year at Cornell University has been nothing less than an adventure. From the people to places and ideas, everything was brand new! I was inspired and excited at the same time. Initially I was nervous about finding friends, keeping up with my classes and being so far away from home. However I soon realized that the only way to become comfortable in my surroundings was to dive right in and find my niche and in a sense become a part of the surroundings. During high school, I always found my involvement in community service and volunteer projects enjoyable and rewarding. I wanted to continue that feeling into my college years. With this in mind, I joined several organizations that would enable me to both meet students with like interests and funnel my passion for service and volunteerism to the benefit of the Cornell community. Soon I joined the Phenomenon step team, CUIMAGE (Cornell University Increasing Multicultural Admissions and Gains in Enrollment), Chosen Generation Gospel Choir, Balch Hall Council and the Nigerian Students Association.
Each activity challenged me in different ways allowing me to grow into my own independent and self-motivated student. As a member of Phenomenon step team I was able to use my passion for entertaining and community service during numerous campus events and various workshops with the Ithaca youth. I also got to sharpen my leadership skills in my position on the executive board as team secretary, a large leap for a freshman. Through CUIMAGE I was given the opportunity to serve as a host to prospective students of Cornell University. As a host my role was to make the m feel welcome and provide a student perspective on Cornell campus life. Finally through the Chosen Generation Gospel Choir I was able to minister to my fellow “Cornellians” and the surrounding Ithaca community. It has always been important for me to maintain the strong faith in God. I know that it has only been through the grace of God that I have been able to experience so much in my life and I want to be sure to acknowledge Him in all that I do.
In short, my first year at Cornell has been truly rewarding. In many ways it has served as the first step of my transition into being a functioning, self-sufficient adult. My experience has strengthened my belief in myself and my abilities and clarified my direction and life goals. Above all, I intend to grow each year and with that growth become a well-rounded socially conscious person who never forgets her roots.
2012: A Letter From JASMINE WADE
Hello all!
Time has passed by so quickly! I simply cannot believe that I am in my senior year. I am taking this opportunity to update you on what I have been doing over the last year. But first I want to personally thank the Foundation for making the investment in my education. It was so important for me to know that the members of the Foundation believed in me to the point of selecting me to receive such a prestigious scholarship!
I continue to remain active in several organizations on campus and in the greater Ithaca community. I am currently serving as Co-President of the Chosen Generation gospel choir, which is composed of Cornell students. I am also the webmaster and a section leader for the Phenomenon Step Team and am a member of the Executive Board of the Imara Magazine.
For the spring semester I studied abroad at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland at its School of Informatics. It was a wonderful experience as I worked with students from all over the world and was able to travel to Paris, Rome and many other sites throughout England and Scotland. In July I obtained a position with the Virginia Department of Transportation as an Information Technology Specialist. In this position I assist in the design of web applications and analyzing user feedback from testing trials. The position also provides me the unique opportunity to work on an hourly basis via the internet while attending classes in Ithaca!
I am truly humbled by God's grace and will remain ever mindful of the trust and faith that others have in me. I will continue to move forward with my education and career while at the same time increasing the value of the generous investment that you made in my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Jasmine Wade
Proud Alumnae of Cornell University

Jasmine is “passionate about technology, innovation, design and social media”. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Information Science at Cornell in May, 2013. Jasmine studied Informatics at the University of Edinburgh in Edinburgh Scotland, UK for the spring semester of her junior year. Now employed at Oracle, Jasmine continues her amazing “journey”. Kudos to Jasmine, and to her parents, Amigo and Marcita Wade, long term friends and supporters of MMHMF.
A Note From Jasmine:
“This past year at Cornell has been really fulfilling. I continued performing with the Phenomenon Step Team and I became President of The Chosen Generation Gospel Choir, leading them spiritually and administratively through both semesters. I also stretched myself to participate in two musicals including Broken Chains, an original gospel musical. I also joined an all female Acapella singing group called the CallbaXX and performed at several campus events. Aside from those activities I am the managing editor of Imara Magazine (pictured), a magazine for women of color at Cornell University.
I have a job with Oracle as a technical sales consultant and just completed an eight-week training program in Santa Clara, California for the position. I've been placed in the Boston office of the company and I begin work the first week of September. I'm really excited to begin my post graduate career in a new place! I still love to travel and I hope to carry out that passion.
Thank you so much for the support, especially the care packages! Thank you again for checking in with me.”