MMHMF Scholarship Recipient
2004 MMHMF Scholarship Recipient
A letter from LaTonya Bowles
First and foremost in college you quickly get a rude awakening that you are not in high school anymore. In other words, your immediate task is to develop good study skills, make some positive decisions, and decide to win at them all. It really doesn’t matter whether or not you have a major. The whole focus is to understand that the professors in college expect high quality work. Therefore, you must adequately be prepared on a daily basis. Fortunately for me I have been blessed to be able to utilize my good study skills from high school, which has proven helpful toward my success in college so far. I was a Jr. Varsity cheerleader as a freshman, and now I cheer Varsity as a sophomore. This activity commands that grades must be in tact in order to be apart of the squad.
Again, I have been blessed to do both. I have my share of ups and downs, but the ups out weigh the downs. It is my desire to keep the following goals in prospective for the remainder of my college career and they are: Keep God first, family second, and all other business third.
Last, but certainly not least it’s organizations like the Martha Mason Hill Scholarship Foundation that helped me to be more successful upon my entrance into college. It was an honor to have been selected as a recipient of this wonderful scholarship.
My mother told me to add that the care packets that are sent out to students are very timely and wonderful. My brother David, who is a student at Virginia State University, and I have certainly appreciated them. May God continue to bless each of you in a special way.
***UPDATE 2009***
LaTonya received the MMHMF Scholarship in 2004. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering, cum laude, from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in the fall of 2008. LaTonya was a NCATSU cheerleader (2004-2008). She was employed as a Logistics Engineer at NAVAIR, builder of aircrafts for the U.S. Military. Her goals are to build her career at NAVAIR and become a professional cheerleader.
Her concerns are about the radio broadcast industry’s impact on the African-American community today. She hopes to inspire the industry to create more inspirational music. She believes the issues most needing to be addressed aresexism, racism, and relationships.
***UPDATE 2015***
LaTonya was the winner of the NAVAIR's (Naval Air Systems Command) 2014 Women of Color (WOC) Special Recognition Award. LaTonya is an Industrial Engineer for NAVAIR in San Diego, CA. She received the award for her managerial leadership ability during the Women of Color STEM Conference held in October of 2014 in Detroit. She is the Director of Logistics Management Integration Department. |
In accepting the award, LaTonya cited her father's influence and wisdom as inspiration for her to succeed. After her older brother and his friends taunted her one day growing up in Virginia, she ran to her father for help. "He said, 'Gal,
don't cry, dry ya' eyes, get yourself together and fight back.' His wisdom always resonated with me. I learned to apply perspective and temperament when facing obstacles," she said. "As a team leader, part of my team's success depends on our ability to persevere through adversity while maintaining focus to successfully attain our goals."
She received the MMHMF scholarship in 2004 and earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering, cum laude, from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in 2008.