MMHMF Scholarship Recipient
2013 MMHMF Scholarship Recipient

Jordan is a 2013 honors graduate of Cosby High School, Midlothian, VA. He is currently a freshman at the University of Virginia and has planned a course of study in English. Jordan’s love of reading, acting, drawing and writing fiction and non-fiction novels makes his decision to major in English natural and wise. Jordan shared: “I had a love of books unmatched, from fantasy like Harry Potter to classics like The Call of the Wild”. He hopes one day to become a writer “along the likes of Harper Lee, Langston Hughes and Maya Angelou, all writers who expressed themselves through the wonderful medium of words”.
ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS IN HIGH SCHOOL: Jordan was in the top 3% of the Class of 2013(ranked 12th of 502 students); and was on the Distinguished Honor/Scholar Roll in 9th through 12th grades.
AWARDS: He received the Certificate of Spanish Academic Excellence Achievement in 9th through 11th grades. In 2011, Jordan won the MTV ‘Act of Intolerance’ Short Story Winner. He also won the Figment Summer Reading Contest Winner in 2012 and the Chesterfield County ‘Write Now’ Contest Certificate of Achievement in 10th grade.
National Honor Society
National Beta Society
Spanish Honor Society
Sign Language Club
International Thespian Society
Junior Ambassador
New Student Mentor
National Art Guild
Jazz Show Choir
Vocal Ensemble
High School Theatrical Plays (‘Hairspray’, One Act Play ‘Us & Them’, ‘Once Upon a Mattress’)
Upward Soccer Referee Assistant
CJW Chippenham Hospital Patient Services
Caritas Homeless Shelter
Saint Paul’s Baptist Church Youth Chorus
State All District Chorus
Virginia Children’s Museum
Parkway Church Vacation Bible School
TJMaxx Retail, 2011 - 2012
CONGRATULATIONS TO JORDAN for his MANY accomplishments! We wish him all the best. Kudos to his parents, Randy and Thalia Best, for raising such an accomplished and promising young man.